
  • There are no limits for content or rating -- anything from G to NC17 is allowed. Just because a story doesn't strike your fancy doesn't mean it can't be well written. If you feel otherwise, you're entitled to that opinion but it won't change how things are run here.
  • Unless otherwise specified, unfinished stories are allowed in any category.
  • Both new and old stories can be submitted, as long as they are available in some form online. A public website is best. Sites accessed with the wayback machine are also elligible. Friends only Livejournal entries will not be acceptable. The point here is that anyone should be able to access this story so that they can vote fairly and accurately.
  • You are allowed to nominate and vote for yourself, however you may only do so once. More on that later.
  • If more than ten nominations are received for a category, those receiving the most nominations will be the ones entering the competition.
  • Please take a look at the archives to see who won in the last round. Those authors and stories aren't disqualified from future rounds, but variety is nice. Consider that when making your nominations, please.
  • Only vote once. The voting form tracks IP addresses, so I will be able to see if identical votes are coming from the same or very similiar IP addresses. I won't be fooled by this, and the repeat votes will not be counted. Break this rule twice and you will be removed from the nominees and banned from future rounds.
  • Awards will be given for first, second and third place in each category. Votes are not weighted; the story/person receiving the most votes wins.
  • Overall, please remember that this is all for fun. It is a competition, but it is meant to be friendly and not at all mean-spirited or harmful to anyone. So don't take it too seriously.