Changing the Mirage

Chapter 4

"I’m going to tell you ahead of time…I’m a bowling aficionado," Shane smiled as he and Taylor made their way into the bowling alley. They had decided to do a midweek date since they both had the next day free from classes. He had to admit that things were going really well for them. It was still early and just the beginning of their dating, but the more they hung out and got to know each other the more Shane unknowingly put his worries to rest. Although he made a promise to Isaac not to gush too much or get too invested, but from what he could gather Isaac was excited for him too. And even if he didn’t trust his own judgment, he would trust Isaac’s.

"Okay," Taylor laughed.

"I am. I know how to rock it in the bowling alley," he grinned even bigger.

"You’re a big dork," Taylor laughed even more as they walked up to the counter.

"You like this dork," he leaned against the counter.

"Eh, you’re alright," Taylor shrugged. He quickly gave the counter worker his shoe size before Shane could respond. Shane chuckled before following suit.

"Also, can I get a seven pound ball?" Shane questioned.

"Are you serious?"


"You use a woman’s ball?"

"No…I use a lighter ball."

"Actually, these are women’s balls," the counter guy replied.

"Ha-ha!" Taylor boasted.

"Whatever," Shane mumbled. "Can I get a woman’s ball?" he questioned making an over exaggerated country accent. He rolled his eyes before reaching under the counter to retrieve one. "Thanks."

"Whatever," he grumbled. "Faggots," he whispered as Shane and Taylor walked away.

"What did you say?" Shane questioned, turning back to face him.

"Shane," Taylor began. "It’s okay. He didn’t say anything. Let’s go play and have some fun," he smiled reassuringly. Shane glanced back at the guy before looking at Taylor. He had an encouraging look on his face. Shane shot the worker another glare before they made their way to an open lane.

"You shouldn’t have let him get away with saying that," Shane spoke as he put his shoes on.


"He clearly called us faggots. And you did nothing to defend yourself or me," he answered looking up at him. Taylor stared at him slightly confused. "People treat you the way you allow them too," he continued feeling he needed to explain. "And for you to pretend not to hear that he called you a faggot well-"

"Wait a minute," Taylor held up his hand, stopping him. "I didn’t pretend I didn’t hear him. I heard him loud and clear. And I’m not numb to the name calling, which you seem to think I am. It’s just…we’re out. I want this to be a good night. I want us to have fun. And I don’t want to let some homophobe ruin that. But if you’re willing to then…let’s go," he replied, taking the one bowling shoe he had on back off.

"Hey," Shane reached out and touched his arm. "You’re right," he smiled. "I’m used to always being on the defensive. I do want to have fun."


"As long as this isn’t something you let slide all the time," he interrupted.

"It’s not," he shook his head. Shane nodded before smiling and turning to put their names into the computer. Taylor thought over the words he’d just spoken. It wasn’t something he let slide all the time. But it was something he also didn’t have to deal with a lot. Most of the people close to him knew and either was accepting or just stayed away from him altogether.

"Ready to get that ass spanked?" Shane questioned bringing Taylor out of his thoughts.

"Always," he chuckled.


"I can’t believe you talked yourself into a bowling league. How random," Taylor chuckled.

"I can’t believe you’ve talked me into eating bowling alley food," Shane joked.

"You need to learn to live on the edge a little, Shane. Or should I start calling you ‘Magnificent’ from now on?" Taylor questioned, referring to name patch sewn on his new bowling league shirt.

"You can refer to me as ‘Mr. Magnificent’," Shane smiled.

"Doesn’t someone usually have to prove worthy of being called that name first?"

"I can prove it," he responded nonchalantly. Taylor raised an eyebrow questioningly. "If you want me to," he continued leaning forward on the table.

"We should probably change the subject," Taylor bit his lip feeling slightly embarrassed. He didn’t expect him to play along with his sexual innuendo.

"You picked the subject."

"Now I’m changing it," he chuckled.

"Fair enough," he shrugged. "Can I ask you something?" Shane asked after several moments of silence had passed.

"Sure," Taylor shrugged.

"Does your family know you’re gay?" he inquired. "You’ve never told me or I never asked but…" he trailed off.

"Yea, they do."

"Do they approve?"

"I guess," he shrugged again, causing Shane to raise his eyebrows. "Sometimes I think it’d be easier for them if I wasn’t."

"What do you mean?"

"I just think they love me but they’re disappointed they won’t have a daughter in law or grandchildren or the things they hope for with a straight son. I think even though they never verbalized it, they always suspected. When I told them, my dad said he already knew and it was okay. My mom said she knew too…although that didn’t stop her from crying for an entire day straight. But they’ve never treated me horribly because it. Then again I wasn’t, ya know, organizing marches on the steps of our front yard either," He explained. Shane signaled he heard him with a head nod. "What about you? Do your parents approve?"

"My dad was never around much when I was growing up and honestly still isn’t now that I’m an adult."

"And your mom?"

"Not a good reaction. She hasn’t spoken to me since I came out to her. Which, in turn, I haven’t spoken to my younger siblings in that time either. Well, I take that back. I’ve talked to them a few times. But they usually ask me something to the affect of ‘are you still a faggot?’ or ‘when will let Jesus heal you from your perversion so we can be a family again?’" Taylor’s mouth dropped open slightly at his admission. "So, needless to say, I haven’t called home in a while." He continued causing Taylor to reach out and interlace their fingers.

"Did that have anything to do with how you reacted to the guy earlier?"

"Maybe," he replied. "I guess," he shrugged. "Okay, yea…a little," Taylor nodded understandingly. "It’s just…it’s learned, ya know? Some people don’t know better, I get that. But some people don’t bother to think differently," he paused as the server sat their food down. She glanced at their interlaced fingers and smiled sweetly at them.

"And some people do," Taylor smiled. Shane took a deep breath, giving his hand a light squeeze before finally returning the smile.

"So I take it you’re close with your family since they know and are understanding?"

"Yea," Taylor replied between bites. "I’m probably closest with my oldest brother."

"Isaac, right?"

"Good memory," Taylor smiled. Shane shrugged modestly before motioning for him to continue. "He was the first person I told I was gay…ever. And when I told him I cried…hard. He assured me it would be okay. That mom and dad wouldn’t care. And my true friends wouldn’t mind."

"And he was right."

"He is usually …which he doesn’t ever let anyone forget…ever," he laughed causing Shane to as well. As he looked at Shane smiling back at him, he realized this was one time he didn’t mind Isaac knowing he was right about something.

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