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The Homecoming

by Rachel (link)

Genre cest, drama, romance
Pairings Isaac/OFC, Zaylor
Length 10 chapters
Status Completed (first in a series)

Although it isn’t a long story and doesn’t cover a ton of ground, The Homecoming is the perfect, open-ended story to begin a series and create just enough angst to keep me interested in where the series is going to go next.

The “homecoming” trope is a popular one in Zaylor fics, although it’s fairly obvious from the beginning that this isn’t the usual story. Zac and Taylor haven’t been discovered and forced apart; instead, nothing at all has happened between them but Zac has effectively forced himself into exile because of his feelings, feelings that bubble up to the surface during a trip home for Christmas.

Much of the short story feels like a tease, with the sexual tension between Zac and Taylor building and building but barely being expressed in more than subtle glances and touches. Their confession is simple and doesn’t change things very much. It isn’t until the final chapter that the sexual tension finally comes to a head… and it’s then that they are very nearly discovered and reality comes crashing down on Zac, sending him running again. Such an ending is, as I said, all too perfect for a series opener and leaves the reader practically begging for more.

Review by Bethany (website)