by Rebekah (link)
Genre drama/angst
Pairings Isaac/OFC
Length 13 chapters
Status Completed
There always seems to be an outcry for more Ike fic that sadly rarely gets fulfilled, so while he isn’t my “favorite,” I’m always happy to see fic about him. Unfortunately, if you’re looking for the same sort of romcom that is often written about Taylor or Zac, Thief of Forgotten Mistakes is probably not the story for you, no matter how good it is.
Although the first chapter is short and vague in parts, Rebekah makes it pretty clear that Isaac has a dark history. I don’t like to provide spoilers in my reviews, but if you don’t think you can stomach even vague depictions of child sexual abuse, I’d suggest steering clear of this story. That said, even if there’s little buildup to Isaac telling his wife about his past, Rebekah’s depiction of it is sufficiently touching and heartbreaking for someone like me who has no frame of reference for what child abuse is really like. Whether you’ve been in that situation or not, I think plenty of people can relate to the themes of sacrifice that Rebekah weaves into this story.
With all the ground that Rebekah has to cover in Thief of Forgotten Mistakes, I wouldn’t mind a few lengthier chapters. I still think she handles all the various perspectives and opinions well, though. It’s a sensitive subject and one that I’m sure many people have no desire to read about. If you can stomach the content (which never becomes explicit, since all the abuse is in the past), I think you’ll find a touching little story here.
Review by Bethany (website)