by Rachel (link)
Genre cest/slash, drama
Pairings Zac/OMC, Zaylor
Length 10 chapters
Status Completed (third in a series)
The first two stories in the series ended on serious cliffhangers, with the second leaving tons of questions about just how badly Zac had been treated by his supposed friends during the year since he moved away from home. This story purports to answer that, as the title might suggest, but it covers even more ground than that in just ten chapters.
The Lost Year begins the day Zac arrived in a town–a story we’ve heard from his perspective, but this time, we’re getting all the details, and from Jake’s mouth. After the way the second story ended, it might be tough to swallow a story from Jake’s point of view, but it’s no surprise that there’s more to him than what we’ve previously seen.
In spite of the title, only about the first half of the story takes place before Zac’s return to Tulsa. The climax of the story happens, of course, after Taylor comes to visit Zac, but Rachel thankfully doesn’t rehash all of that from Jake’s point of view. The story ends in the only way it should or could, but in spite of its short length, there’s plenty of drama and suspense along the way, and it’s a fitting conclusion to the series.
Review by Bethany (website)