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Everything I’m Not

by Casey (link)

Genre het, romance, erotica
Pairings Zac/OFC
Length 16 chapters and one interlude
Status Completed (with sequel)

Being hosted by a site called Hanson Erotica, you would certainly expect things from Casey’s fic. Having read some of her other stories, I don’t actually expect a lot of detail from Everything I’m Not, and that’s more or less what I, er, don’t get.

The first several chapters are woefully short, including the one “journal interlude.” There are actually multiple interludes throughout the chapters, where the story switches to Zac’s perspective as he writes in his journal about the supposedly perfect girl he’s falling for. With the rest of the story in third person, it sometimes seems unnecessary, but it’s also interesting to see how she views him compared to how he views things.

Ultimately, though, Zac isn’t perfect and neither is Jocilyn. There’s just a little bit of drama for them in between the romance and the handful of sex scenes. They’re more detailed that I expect, and an improvement over the other stories I’ve read by Casey, but the story is overall still quite lacking in substance. Still, there’s a sweetness to it and just barely enough hotness to keep me hanging on to see what happens in the sequel.

Review by Bethany (website)