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Broken Side-View Mirror

by Casey (link)

Genre het, erotica, romance
Pairings Zac/OFC
Length 11 chapters
Status Unfinished

The prequel to this story, Everything I’m Not, has a few problems–short chapters, weird point of view shifts and a pretty light plot. With the second story, Casey solves a few of those problems, but it still isn’t a huge improvement.

Once again, the chapters are rather short and the plot thin. The entire premise of Broken Side-View Mirror is a road trip, which is never a heavy plot. Casey does highlight some of Zac and Jocilyn’s issues, especially where money is concerned, but never delves very far into those ideas before the story abruptly stops.

Likewise, the issue of Taylor stealing Zac’s girlfriends is mentioned again, but only Isaac actually appears in the story. Casey has interesting ideas, but she seems to never let them get anywhere, instead allowing Broken Side-View Mirror to focus largely on the typical road trip antics and a few, albeit steamy, sex scenes. In that sense, the story has more going for it than its predecessor, but it isn’t enough to sustain an entire novel, so it’s not big loss that this story isn’t finished.

Review by Bethany (website)