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Waiting For This

by Lindsay (link)

Genre romance
Pairings Isaac/OFC, Taylor/OFC
Length 15 chapters
Status Unfinished

Call me judgmental, but this story starts out with two strikes against it–one for taking its title from a Hanson song and another for being posted to Mibba. I’ve found few stories there to be decently written or in character, but perhaps Waiting For This will be the exception.

I’ll admit, the writing is better than I expected, although Lindsay does verge on overwriting and purple prose at times, and her dialogue is often cheesy and full of ‘jokes’ that aren’t really very humerous. Still, on a purely technical, grammatical level, she could do far, far worse. I wish I could say the same for her plot; for something written in 2011, this story contains quite a few tropes more typical of earlier hanfic–high school girls who are best friends with the boys and everyone (except Ike) knows about the main character’s crush on him.

Even though the writing is decent enough, the plot is too thin and loaded down with too many cliches for me to take this story very seriously. It might be a cute enough artifact of earlier days, but I know it’s on the newer side, and that makes its immaturity pretty baffling. I suppose the author was quite young, but even that doesn’t change the fact Waiting For This doesn’t get very far or evoke any strong emotions in me.

Review by Bethany (website)