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by Megan (link)

Genre drama/angst
Pairings Zac/OFC
Length 19 chapters
Status Completed (with unfinished sequel)

Finding the right way to begin a story is difficult; as an author, I know this all too well. Megan begins Happiness in a sort of back and forth manner, lingering on memories from different times while never fully explaining the story’s setting. Combined with her tendency to overwrite, it’s clear that–forgive my country idiom–she’s a bit too big for her britches.

As the short chapters continue, things don’t get any less confusing. Something happened, something terrible, to drive Zac and Abby apart, but it’s hard to imagine what that can be when she’s (apparently) so young. Her voice is mature, but it’s a forced sort of maturity, the kind only a young author trying to sound more writerly can achieve. The story suffers for it, Megan’s attempts at foreshadowing getting lost in her purple prose.

Whatever was meant to be foreshadowed, whatever happened between Zac and Abby… it’s never explained. I know all too well that there isn’t always one moment you can pinpoint, one root cause to your depression. But Abby comes across whiny more often than she does depressed, and it’s difficult to reconcile her opinion of herself with what the other characters say and do–but I suppose that’s the point. Depression just isn’t logical. It’s that fact, and Megan’s occasional good, insightful turns of phrase, that carry this story in spite of its flaws.

There’s really no Happiness to be found here, but I am intrigued by the promise of a sequel, even if it is unfinished. How Megan can continue a story that ended on a note of such finality, I’m not quite sure, but I am intrigued to find out.

Review by Bethany (website)