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Something Going Round

by Megara and Nyckolette (link)

Genre het/cest, drama/angst, romance
Pairings Isaac/Nikki, Isaac/OFC, Taylor/Natalie, Taylor/OFC, Zac/Kate, Zac/OFC
Length prologue and 59 chapters
Status Completed

Long lost sibling fics are a big tradition in hanfic, and for whatever reason, it always seems to revolve around Taylor. Something Going Round is no exception, taking no time at all revealing the secret of Taylor’s adoption and twin sister. From there, it only gets more and more dramatic.

I can’t even begin to summarize all the drama that occurs in this story, but the “long lost twin” aspect of it is really only the beginning. Just as much of the drama focuses on cheating and new couples forming. I do like that the authors tried to reach a balance between family and relationship drama, but when things turn deadly violent, I can’t really support that amount of soap opera style plotting. Most of these plot elements could be done well, but Megara and Nyckolette through in just a few too many of them for my tastes. It all just moves too quickly for me to form any sort of emotional connection to any of the characters.

There are only a few of the many plotlines that I truly find interesting. First, there’s a real (but mostly unexplored) potential for drama when Isaac falls for Taylor’s biological twin sister. Secondly, there’s the one brief scene that forced me to list “cest” as a genre. That scene leads absolutely nowhere and is entirely dismissed, never to be mentioned again. Even if it had been mentioned again, it wouldn’t have been enough to redeem this fic for me. There are too many plotlines, too much focus on babies and weddings and too much sloppy writing for me to even care if the last chapter of Something Going Round really is the last chapter.

Review by Bethany (website)