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Don’t Stop Me Now

by Lindsay (link)

Genre het, romance, drama
Pairings Isaac/Nikki, Taylor/Natalie, Zac/Kate, Zac/OFC
Length prologue, 15 chapters, two interludes and epilogue
Status Completed (first in the Black Balloon Series)

Lindsay had me hooked on Don’t Stop Me Now from the cryptic prologue, which was later revealed to be a snippet from the first full chapter. The basic plot here seemed to be about a formerly troubled Zac mentoring a girl with troubles of her own, but it inevitably turned into a version of the popular cheating Zac trope. While popular and fairly typical, it’s a trope I love, and Lindsay’s take on it is unique enough to really work.

There are a few changes from reality in this fic, obviously, but those changes are explained well enough to keep it from being confusing or just seeming wrong, as slight alternate universes often can. Jessica gets to be a full, important character, if very different from how I see the real Jessica. Zac, too, is a version of the real thing that takes a few liberties, but liberties that make sense to me.

The characters in this story are not always likable, but they are, I think, understandable and relatable. Ryland, in particular, bears such similarity to me in my early twenties that it was almost uncomfortable to read, but it made Don’t Stop Me Now really, really resonate with me. Even if you don’t feel it on that level, I think anyone can still appreciate this unique take on a popular trope. At times I do wish it was longer, but Lindsay does a good job with the characters’ emotional journeys that helps to keep it from feeling rushed or abbreviated. The fact that it doesn’t end happily (although this does set the stage for a sequel) is just another sign that this isn’t quite your typical hanfic.

Review by Bethany (website)