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by Jayde and Laura (link)

Genre cest, romance, drama/angst, suspense
Pairings Taylor/OMC, Zac/OMC, Zaylor
Length 102 chapters
Status Unfinished

It can be kind of refreshing to go into a story completely blind. My only expectation for Plaything is strong writing; I’ve read a few shorts by Jayde and I’ve always been impressed with her way with words. Other than that, I have no idea what to expect from this story, but my hopes are fairly high.

The story gets off to something of a slow start, with just a cute little scene showing Zac and Taylor together. They’re already together, which makes me wonder where the drama in the story will come from; most Zaylor stories tend to revolve around the drama and angst of the two of them getting together for the first time. By the third chapter, when a group of obsessed Hanson fans are introduced as characters, I start to get an inkling of what the drama could be.

I find it a bit unrealistic that their family is so accepting of their relationship, but the new flashbacks to that time sort of allow it to make more sense. It is kind of refreshing, in a way, though to read a story with a different sort of drama. While Taylor and Zac’s family knows about their relationship, the fans don’t, and they still have lots to deal with where that is concerned and also with Taylor’s desire to have a “real” family. Oh, and then there are those obsessed fans…

I won’t spoil the entire plot for you, but I will say that it’s very well thought out and full of detail. I do take issue with some of the characterization, which seems to border on over-the-top stereotypes, but otherwise, it’s a well crafted story. I really enjoy the way Zac and Taylor’s issues and insecurities are put to the test by the kidnapping — oops, spoiler — storyline. That mixture of their interpersonal problems and the outside world affecting them makes for a good story. One particular plot twist, as a result of Zac’s cheating, doesn’t sit very well with me, though. They work through it fairly well — well enough for me to be severely disappointed that the authors abandoned the story when they evidently had a lot more written/planned. You’d think eventually I would get used to that disappointment, but I never do. It always sours me a little on a story, no matter how good it is.

Review by Bethany (website)