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by Megan (link)

Genre het, romance, drama
Pairings Isaac/OFC, Taylor/Natalie, Zac/OFC
Length prologue and 13 chapters
Status Completed (part one of first installment of Dreams Gone Bust)

Stumbling upon this series was like serious deja vu; although I didn’t know more than than the title and the characters, I actually created the layout for it way back in the day. I had little interest in reading any hanfic at the time, but Hanging presents a pretty fun, if trope-tastic, tour story.

The story is narrating by one member of an all-girl band scheduled to tour with Hanson–nothing unique there, really, and the characterization makes it difficult to remember that the other band members even exist. Likewise, the primary conflict of the story is a bit thin. Britney is too focused on her career to fall in love, especially with someone like Zac, who she is always fighting with.

These fights are a bit over simplistic, and sometimes I’m not even sure why the two of them aren’t getting along. They vacillate a little too quickly between arguing and being best of friends, although this conflict does result in some explosive sexual chemistry when they finally let things go that far.

It’s hard to pack much story into just thirteen chapters, and Megan does struggle with this. Some scenes are skipped over, time lapses without a comment and one potentially humorous side plot is entirely abandoned. Still, Megan’s writing gets stronger as Hanging goes on, allowing it to end on a good note and overall leave a good taste in my mouth despite its problems.

Review by Bethany (website)