by Sara-Marie (link)
Genre slash/femmeslash, crossover, erotica, drama
Pairings Ashley Poole/Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears/Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera/Justin Timberlake, Jonny Lang/Mandy Moore, Taylor/Mandy Moore, Taylor/OFC, Taylor/Scott Moffatt, Taylor/Scott/Mandy Moore, Scott/Mandy Moore
Length 7 parts
Status Unfinished
I think it’s safe to say that list of pairings is the longest I’ll ever include with a review. From that, you can guess that Air Kisses isn’t the typical hanfic; in fact, only Taylor makes much of an appearance at all.
The chapters were written and posted out of chronological order, according to Sara-Marie’s blurb, and she insists they are best read that way. I’m not sure it would have made much of a difference, especially with Christina’s chapter unwritten and no resolution given to any of the plots except for Mandy and Jonny’s.
In fact, the story moves in almost reverse chronological order, with Taylor’s chapter only being a recap of how he and Scott met and the began the relationship referenced in the “first” chapter. Scott’s plot offers no real resolution, either, as it simply ends with he and Clint coming to an awkward agreement to discuss Scott’s sexuality again later.
Ultimately, Air Kisses is just about the smut, not the plot. And it has smut by the truckload, as that list of pairings suggests. Some of it is good; all of it is positively obscene. Naturally, the Scottay scenes are my favorite, and I long for more chapters about them with less of the tacky, jaded pop tartlet storyline. I’m never a fan of that much excessive, over-the-top angst, and the smut only slightly makes up for it. Air Kisses is a mixed bag that probably wouldn’t appeal to most fans of the other characters who appear more than our boys, anyway. I’m not sure who it was meant to appeal to, but I don’t think it was me.
Review by Bethany (website)