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Blind White Lies

by Aura (link)

Genre cest, drama
Pairings Taylor/Natalie, Zac/Kate
Length 13 chapters
Status Unfinished

It may seem misleading to label this fic as cest when none of the pairings listed are incestuous. What’s the deal, you might ask? Well, it’s pretty simple–this is a hancest story, but unfortunately Aura abandoned writing it before any actual cest could occur.

Blind White Lies begins with an interesting premise. Taylor and Natalie are getting married to cover up the fact that he’s gay and the baby she’s pregnant with could have never been his. We soon find out that he has less than brotherly feelings for Zac, and when Zac confesses that he also thinks he’s gay, it’s easy to assume Zac also has feelings for Taylor.

If you did assume that, you would be wrong. In fact, Zac’s crush is on his oldest brother. When that’s revealed, things come to something of a head, with only Isaac taking the news relatively well. Unfortunately, this is where Aura leaves off, leaving the readers to wonder whether Zac would ever forgive Taylor and begin to love him, too. A lot of questions are left unanswered after so few short chapters, but Blind White Lies has such a unique premise that I can’t be too upset about its brevity.

Review by Bethany (website)