by Taye (link)
Genre het, drama, romance
Pairings Taylor/OFC, Zac/OFC
Length 15 chapters
Status Unfinished
Like so many het hanfics, Forget the Memories gives its main female characters a highly dramatic background. Zac and Taylor are less well developed, unfortunately, effectively just there to be love interests, although the story never quite gets that far.
It takes several chapters for Novaleigh and Angelina to meet the brothers, and the rest of the fic progresses just as slowly. That does provide plenty of time to explain their backstory, but there are also a lot of unnecessary details about their day to day lives that don’t really add anything. I would much rather learn more about Zac and Taylor’s lives and just why they are both still dating girls they are apparently unhappy enough with to willingly run off to a cabin in the woods and abandon them.
Details of life at said cabin are a bit over the top at times and not so realistic to me. Likewise, Novaleigh’s unwillingness to befriend the brothers, who are goofy but mostly harmless, doesn’t make a lot of sense. One exceptionally dramatic event pushes her closer to Taylor, but unfortunately Taye ceased writing Forget the Memories after throwing yet another curveball at the girls. That twist is enough to finally catch my interest, but overall what’s here is too slow moving and unedited to be that memorable.
Review by Bethany (website)