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Got A Hold On Me

by Leigh (link)

Genre slash/cest, drama, romance
Pairings Isaac/OFC, Taylor/Natalie, Taylor/OMC, Zac/Kate, Zac/OMC, Zaylor
Length 9 chapters
Status Unfinished

You know you’re reading something really unique when Zac spends the very first paragraph yelling about twinks. Got A Hold On Me is one of the only pornstar alternate universe hanfics I’m aware of, and although it might be a ridiculous premise, Leigh just manages to make it work.

The story isn’t really about the porn, though, although that does provide for plenty of delicious drama when Taylor and Zac end up in a love triangle with Taylor’s co-star. But even the smut isn’t the point of this fic, although it is up to Leigh’s usually fantastic standards. Her history of how Hanson ended is a little muddled and hard to follow, and that’s not the only inconsistency here. Some of that mystery is answered, eventually, but not all.

At one point, Zac tries to explain to Jaden his theory about why people get into porn. It all stems he says, from the belief that a person is worth no more than that. Zac’s own horrible self worth stems from something that Leigh plants seeds of for several chapters but doesn’t reveal until after a freakishly realistic, but cheap, dream sequence. Taylor has known some of Zac’s past abuse all along, which provides the painful explanation for why he refuses to let himself act on the feelings he and Zac share.

Unfortunately, Leigh has left Got A Hold On Me unfinished. The big reveal makes it feel like something of an ending, but the three relationships are all left at loose ends, no good ending in sight for any of them. There are some uncharacteristically sloppy phrasings and mistakes here, unlike anything else I’ve read from Leigh. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but I’m sure I could have forgiven all of her mistakes if Got A Hold On Me was just finished.

Review by Bethany (website)