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The Zac/Ivey Chronicles

by Sabrina (link)

Genre het, drama, romance
Pairings Zac/Kate, Zac/OFC
Length 5 chapters
Status Completed

This is most likely one of the shortest stories I’ll ever review here. It’s hard to accomplish much in so few chapters. I would know; I’ve written stories nearly as short as The Zac/Ivey Chronicles. The name left a lot to be desired, as did the length, but I was willing to give it a chance anyway.

I was immediately struck by the beautiful writing. Although her sentences are sometimes a bit too long, the writing is still very strong and very evocative. Little of the plot is really revealed in the first part, but already I care about the characters. The next chapter skips ahead a full year, but helps to bridge the gap of what has happened during that missing time so that I still feel connected to the story.

There are times when I feel like Sabrina relies a little too heavily on long, drawn out dialogue to tell the story, but I’m not sure how she could have avoided it. In so few chapters, there’s only so much room and time to fill in all the missing pieces that we don’t actually see happening.

And it’s hard for me to really know what to say about such a short story. It’s hard to tell a complete story in so few chapters, and although Sabrina has, I feel like her writing is good enough that she could have sustained a much longer story just as well. Still, some stories just aren’t meant to be long, I suppose.

Review by Bethany (website)