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Kindred 9: The Twins

by Aimster (link)

Genre science fiction, suspense/thriller, mystery
Pairings Isaac/Nikki, Taylor/Natalie, Zac/Kate
Length 10 chapters
Status Completed (part of the Kindred series)

All the various plot threads that were just beginning to unravel in part eight really start to fall apart in part nine. Just when you think you know what’s happening in this fic, Aimster manages to throw some new curveballs at her characters. Now that I’ve mixed a few metaphors, let’s get down to business.

Each clone featured in this fic is going through such different circumstances that it’s all a bit jarring. It all ties together, though, which shows how talented Aimster is at weaving a tale. I certainly couldn’t keep track of everything that she does, especially with half my characters wearing the same face.

Speaking of which, Alex is inching closer and closer to learning more than he ever wanted to know about the whole cloning program, while Jesse is starting to reveal what he knows about their captors from a previous installment. As always, it’s clear there’s even more below the surface than everything that Aimster actually reveals, and it all keeps me on the edge of my seat, waiting for more.

Review by Bethany (website)