by Aimster (link)
Genre dystopia
Pairings Isaac/Nikki, Taylor/Natalie, Zac/Kate
Length 30 chapters and epilogue
Status Completed
A Different Brand of War is a Hanfic I started reading cautiously because in this political climate I feel sometimes the real world is a Dystopia and I don’t like that in fic as much right now. But I’m really glad I gave this story a chance to be honest.
It’s not as dark as Aimster’s usual fics even if it is a Dystopia. There is a few character deaths but even with those the story still sometimes almost always has a hopeful feel to it. Though there were a few chapters close to the end where I was doubting how happy the ending would be.
In the end I was pleasantly surprised that it did indeed end hopefully.
The characterization of all the main characters felt realistic of people stuck in times they couldn’t really change yet also wanting to fight to change them and then in the end, sort of doing just that in their own respective ways.
I think as a whole though my favorite part of the whole fic was the radio show that Taylor had with Rob and how Aimster wove in the lyrics of the songs they played during it, during the chapters. Some songs more fitting than others to the events that happened in the chapters yet all songs a welcome relief.
Then again I’m a sucker for stories using song lyrics.
I really hope in the end people read this story, even if it’s too much like the American Political world right now. Especially since the big bad enemies is the Korean government. Which I wonder if Aimster planned that on purpose or if that was set in stone before current real life events.
Review by Elizabeth (tumblr)