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Goodbye, Goodbye

by Sarah W. (link)

Genre romance, drama/angst
Pairings Isaac/Natalie Isaac/Nikki, Taylor/Natalie, Taylor/OFC, Zac/Kate
Length 9 chapters
Status Completed (with sequels)

The first thing you’ll notice about Goodbye, Goodbye is that it is quite a bit shorter than the first two stories in this series. Although the chapters are decently lengthy (compared to some of the others in the earlier two stories), it still feels a bit abortive and like it really doesn’t add much to the series.

Much of this story is from Taylor’s perspective, but it still doesn’t really illuminate for me just why he is so attached to Ellie yet also can’t let go of Natalie. Sarah almost seems to play with this idea a bit more, but never quite gets there. Likewise, Ellie’s wife Jess is a villainous character that only makes threats but never quite lives up to them.

It’s clear to see that Sarah’s writing and plotting are evolving at this series goes on. I’m always interested to see how young fans explore fanfic these days, and how what they write is the same and different from what the rest of us wrote at their age. It’s like that saying–everything old is new again. With time to grow as a writer and plot things out in advance rather than throwing every idea on the page to see what sticks (and never giving each of her most interesting ideas the screen time they deserve), she could really be onto something. We all have to start somewhere, and the love Sarah has for the band and for writing are both evident.

Review by Bethany (website)