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by Morgan Andrews (link)

Genre drama, romance
Pairings Isaac/OFC, Taylor/OFC, Zac/OFC
Length 50 chapters and epilogue
Status Completed

Fate is the first story I have actually finished reading of Morgan’s. I’m a slow reader mainly because of life and sometimes depression so I’m slowly working my way through a few more of her stories and hope to have them finished someday…eventually.

With this story, from the start it’s clear it’s a typical story for Morgan, which is sometimes good but at the same time it can also be repetitive.

Cassie is a girl who happens to meet Zac, when she is handed his baby son by a nanny and just left with him. Over the course of the story which is told from both Cassie and Zac’s points of view it’s revealed that Cassie comes from a bad marriage.

Having left an abusive husband who she is hiding from during the first half of the story…which abuse is one of the key elements that Morgan uses a lot.

I must admit that it’s not something I’m particularly interested in with fics and I feel when authors use that trope a lot it can make their fics boring. Strong ofc’s can and should happen. They don’t always have to be weak and powerless to make a love story in fics happen.

Another thing that gets revealed in the story is how Joshua, Zac’s son came to be. He was conceived with an ex of Isaac’s who drugged Zac prior to the story and was his first sexual experience of any type. Zac choosing to raise the baby whom the mother gave up, causing issues between him and his family. His family half the time coming across as unsympathetic, to the point where I hoped he never forgave them.

While I liked a lot of that plot, I wasn’t really into how Morgan just swept the rape aspect of what happened to Zac under the rug. If an author is going to write something like that, they very much should treat it for what it is. Rape or dubcon and not treat it like it’s normal.

Because all of the characters actions with that just felt hollow and I think it was and could be dishonoring to actual rape victims or people who have had that done to them in real life.

But besides those two points which I wasn’t fond of, the story itself wasn’t bad. Zac and Cassie were both likable characters.

I found myself glad when they finally hooked up and gave into what they wanted. Though I found the return of Joshua’s mother a bit cliche as well as the constant showing up of Cassie’s ex.

There were also some times when the dialog didn’t particularly make sense or felt stilted but in the end it was a good read.

Though I’d say go into the story cautiously if you have things that could trigger you.

Review by Elizabeth (tumblr)