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My Little Blond Friend

by Nick and Zac D. (link)

Genre adventure, drama, comedy
Pairings Taylor/OFC
Length 2 prologues and 30 chapters
Status Unfinished (third in a series of three stories)

Two prologues? Seems odd, doesn’t it? It makes a little more sense when you read them and see that each is a letter written by Zac and Hugo, with Hugo’s letter actually contributed by another author, Zac D. Confused yet? I promise it makes sense, and it’s a nice way to kick off the story without too much exposition.

Just like I Ain’t No Angel, this story takes a few chapters to get going. Once it does, there’s a brand new mystery for the Hansons to deal with, one that seems quite different from their international hostage situations in the past. However, I get the feeling it does involve Zac’s new friend Hugo, whose history begins to be revealed in various flashbacks. I like the way Nick gradually gives his original characters, both Hugo and Sarah, larger roles in the story, while the focus still remains largely on the blond ones (a title that I realize no longer fits Zac since his experiment with orange hair dye).

Chapter twenty five marks the end of “Act I” of My Little Blond Friend. I already anticipated being disappointed by the lack of an ending, and knowing that Nick wrote so little of Act II only deepens that disappointment. Not surprisingly, none of the mysteries (which all turn out to be related) are resolved by the last chapter. What Hugo’s past has to do with the hostage situation and the fake charges against the boys, I still don’t know. And what about that Nazi relative? That plotline was dropped completely after the second story, but I can’t help imagining it would have turned up again, had My Little Blond Friend been finished. It does, at least, end on a sweet, almost hopeful note and a humorous moment. That’s something, but not much.

Review by Bethany (website)