by Jesse-may and Renee C. (link)
Genre het, romance
Pairings Taylor/OFC, Zac/OFC
Length 20 chapters
Status Completed
It’s pretty impressive just how many cliches Jesse-may and Renee manage to cram into the first chapter of Out of Reach — Taylor is dating Zac’s best friend Caydence, the family loves her, she practically lives in the boy’s house… and so on. I have a feeling this is going to lead to a love triangle between Caydence, Taylor and Zac, which is a plot I don’t mind at all if it’s done well.
Unfortunately, Jesse-may and Renee have a tendency to show, not tell. We’re told that drama exists, but we rarely see it play out except in short, stilted arguments that end quickly. It’s hard for me to get invested in the characters. It doesn’t help that what I do actually see of the characters’ actions only makes them seem childish.
Just as I suspected, Caydence does eventually have to choose between Zac and Taylor, and despite how little I’ve gotten attached to the characters, her chose makes me happy. I was surprised to actually find myself caring a little bit about the outcome, considering how quickly it all happened. There are a few shining moments in Out of Reach, but for the most part, I find the characters unrelatable, the writing a little sloppy and the story far, far too short.
Review by Bethany (website)