by Casey (link)
Genre het, romance, erotica
Pairings Zac/OFC
Length 9 chapters and epilogue
Status Completed (third in a trilogy)
I’ll admit, by the end of the second part of this “saga” (as Casey describes it), I had grown a bit more attached to the characters, in spite of the flaws in Casey’s writing. The fact that this story is half the length of the first two worries me a bit. I’m not sure how much of a story there can be to Blame It On Me in so few chapters, but I hope whatever there is gives me some sort of satisfying closure to the whole series.
Once again, Casey relies heavily on the sex scenes, but I don’t really mind. Her chapters have gotten longer and meatier, and I’ve either become accustomed to him or Casey’s Zac has become more like the real thing. I can really picture him in Blame It On Me, which is impressive, considering that Casey was fairly prophetic about what 2004 Zac would look like, right down to the haircut.
As I expected, there isn’t a lot to Blame It On Me. It mostly centers around Zac and Ruby getting back together, with little lasting conflict to stop them from reaching a happy ending right then and a cheesily happy ending in the epilogue set in the future. Once again, Casey skips ahead a little too much in time and doesn’t flesh the story out quite enough, but her overall writing and character development have improved by this third and final part of Zac and Ruby’s love story.
Review by Bethany (website)