by Jaxsper Finn (link)
Genre slash, suspense, erotica, romance
Pairings Taylor/OMC, Zac/OMC
Length 23 chapters
Status Completed (third in a series)
This story continues Jaxsper’s theme of cheesy titles for increasingly less cheesy stories. The plots just keep getting darker, but there’s still something of a themey, gimicky element to his writing that I expect will continue in Hanson Fanatic.
Jaxsper’s writing has gotten stronger as the series has gone on. The point of view switches still grate on my nerves, but there are some rather nice turns of phrase, increasing in frequency by this third story. Even though it’s far from conventional, or even correct, I’m not sure how else he could have told the story without those shifts from first to third person. I still don’t have to like them, though.
Hanson Fanatic is more of a mystery than the previous stories. Zac and Toby’s romance happens in little stops and starts in the background, but the bigger story revolves around X’s identity and the strange murders that keep occuring. The two things seem to be connected, but by the end, I can see that in spite of Jaxsper’s seeming foreshadowing, the mystery of X isn’t going to be explained.
The story ends rather abruptly, but does have a few good moments and bits of dialogue–at least, a higher percentage of both than the first two. I almost wish Jaxsper had followed through on writing and publishing the two future stories he posted teasers of, at least so I might have finally figured out what the hell was up with X… and so I could have seen a few more Zac and Toby sex scenes.
Review by Bethany (website)