December 2009 Author: Flash

Since this is the first spotlight and the site is new, I had trouble deciding who to feature. Should it be someone really famous and well known or someone new? How would the concept go over with people? It’s a brand new idea, so maybe people wouldn’t be willing to participate. In the end, I decided to keep things simple and asked my fandom twin, Flash, to be my lab rat.

So, without further ado, Flash! Her stories are located on Dreamwidth at Iketastic. Some of her stories include Hollywood Ending, Twisted Valentine and The Clockwork Man. Read on to find out more about Flash.

ETA: Flash has, sadly, deleted her Dreamwidth.


Why did you start writing hanfic? How long have you been writing?
Geez…I don’t even really know. It’s odd ’cause RPF freaked me out for a long time, then I read a bit of it and I guess I just felt like writing and seeing what I could do. I’ve been writing fanfiction for a long time…I probably started before I even knew I could post it on the internet (actually, I know I did ’cause I know there’s a notebook with a very bad Gary Stu Harry Potter fic buried in my room somewhere). I’ve only been writing Hanfic for about a year now.

What other fandoms are you involved in?
A lot. I’m currently focused on Criminal Minds, Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Eerie, Indiana.

What are your favorite hanfic stories and authors?
My favourite authors are Bethany, Renee P. and Brittney. My favourite stories right now are “Kittens are Either With us Or Against Us,” “Little Deaths,” “Revelations,” and “Living up the Ghost.”

What is your writing process like?
Music, lots of dicking around on the internet/reading other stuff…brief spats of typing…or sitting in a boring class writing something out in a notebook.

Where do your ideas and inspiration come from?
Everywhere. I’ve gotten ideas from songs, from TV Shows, from books, from my own weird ass imagination…even from other fics sometimes.

Which stories are you most proud of having written?
“The Clockwork Man” and “Let the Fools Sing” are my favourite of mine right now. Especially “The Clockwork Man.”

Favorite songs to listen to while you write?
I just put my music on shuffle…though, sometimes I really get in the mood for some Drake Bell while I’m writing, dunno why.

Thank you, Flash, for being my test subject!