June 2014 Author: Amanda

New albums always bring old fans out of the woodwork, inspiring them to write when they haven’t even though about hanfic for years. Anthem may not be that new now, but it still managed to give Amanda the push to rejoin the hanfic fold.

She has a website, Anonymous Hanfic, but she’s now posting her updates straight to LiveJournal, here. Check out her two stories, Save Us From Ourselves and Understudy, but of which are making a big splash in the fandom.


Why did you start writing hanfic? How long have you been writing?

I started writing Hanfic when I was in early high school, and I wrote for a few years intensively. I wrote extremely dramatic, over-the-top, teenybopper type Hanfic back then, as we all did. I published everything on FanFiction.net, back when it was allowed to publish Fanfic about real people there. Then they banned us and it became more difficult to write. I tried to continue, but I felt like the community had become less involved. So, then, I took about 10 years off (a hiatus, if you will) until this last year when I started writing again.


Do you write other fiction and/or fanfic as well? If so, what genres/fandoms/etc?

I do write other fiction, but not other fanfic. I’ve somehow never gotten into other fandoms. In my fiction writing, I specialize in writing short stories. I minored in creative writing in college, and, since then, I have published several short stories in collections. I enjoy writing character studies more than creating intricate worlds or driving plots. My inspiration comes from exploring a character fully. This is true for me in fiction as well as Hanfic.


What are your favorite hanfic stories and authors?

Well, I only recently got back into reading/ writing Hanfic. So, needless to say, my tastes have changed since my high school Hanfic days. The story that got me hooked again was The Innocents by Paola (malfunkshon on LJ). Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop. It’s very strange, because it’s definitely not my normal taste when it comes to Hanfic. I don’t typically love cest stories, or dystopian stories, but this one just grabs me somehow. It’s so well written and the characters just entrance you. Other than that, I have been reading much of the work that can be found on LiveJournal in the Hanfic community there. There are some really fantastic authors! Currently I’m lusting over Bethany’s I Will Try To Fix You (Shewasred on LiveJournal). I actually have a few that I love from back in the day that I don’t even remember the titles of!


What is your writing process like?

Generally, I write at the computer. But, sometimes, when not at home, I write with the old fashioned pen-and-paper. Firstly, I will write in ‘stream of consciousness’ as long as I can without thinking too much or editing extensively. Once I hit a bit of a wall, I go back and edit, change things around, etc. Then I proceed to mold the chapter as long as I need to until I feel it’s ready to be read!


Where do your ideas and inspiration come from?

I get my inspiration from my family and friends, and other literary characters that grab me. Often, I will get inspiration from someone I see on the street or in a cafe. I will begin to create their story and character in my head, assigning them a personality and history.


Which stories are you most proud of having written?

Currently, I only have 2 Hanfic stories in progress: Understudy and Save Us From Ourselves. I am truly enjoying writing both of those stories.


Favorite songs to listen to while you write or which inspire your writing?

I generally have to listen to music with no lyrics when I write, so Hanson’s out of the question. I like a lot of classical and classical-crossover music for writing inspiration. Recently, I’ve been listening to The Piano Guys a lot and the new Yo-Yo Ma Goat Rodeo ensembles’ album. Beautiful music is truly an inspiration to me!


Thank you, Amanda for being the June spotlight! I’m so glad we’ve both finally found our way back to hanfic 🙂