If this author’s name sounds familiar, that’s because she was just featured last month for her debut story. Have I mentioned how much I love drawing attention to new authors? Because I do, I really, really do!
You can learn more about A.M. and her writing on her website or go directly to her Wattpad account to read last month’s spotlight, Lessons of Truth, and her two newest stories, The More The Merrier and Thy True Self. But before you do that, check out my interview with her…
Why did you start writing hanfic? How long have you been writing?
Writing Hanson fan fiction was something that I have always thought about doing, but I hesitated because I didn’t know if other would find that super odd. I know, it’s not good to live under the umbrella of others’ thoughts and opinions. Lessons Of Truth is my first Hanson fan fiction, although I have been writing all my life. In high school I helped out with the school newspaper. Way back in the middle ages when I was a 9th grade, I had my English teacher pull me aside. I’ll never forget it, too. She brought me up to her desk and she told me she thought I was a wonderful writer and loved my style of storytelling. Since I wasn’t the popular kid in the crowd, that made me feel better about myself. Creative writing and literature have always been subjects that I sincerely enjoy. I first got interested in Hanson fan fiction back in 2010, when a close friend introduced me to Placetohide.net. She told me how incredible the stories are and still to this day, she praises the website. I remember the day she had to explain to me what Zaylor was. I’ve always been a Hanson fan, but never knew anything about Hanson Fan Fiction until then. I remember admiring all the authors associated with the site, so being asked for this interview was quite an honor to me. I guess you could say that writing Hanson fan fiction was always on my bucket list.
Do you write other fiction and/or fanfic as well? If so, what genres/fandoms/etc?
Yes, I’ve written other fiction stories but never any “fan fiction.” Outside of Hanson fan fiction, I’m dabbling in a 9/11 story that is non-fandom related, but I’m very hesitant to ever show anyone it, for fear that someone might think I am taking advantage of a horrific event for some kind of gain. I have thought about changing the characters to one the guys who works in the North Tower of the Trade Buildings, but than I’m afraid people would find that incredibly depressing. There I go again, afraid of what other people would think.
What are your favorite hanfic stories and authors?
To be honest, I don’t have a favorite Hanson Fan Fiction author or story, per se. However, I love stories that bring Hanson out of their element and make them tangible. I like it when they are molded into characters that seem believable, something Hanson would actually do. If an author can make me question if he/she has personally witnessed Hanson do something they wrote about, than you know they are writing them on a realistic level.
What is your writing process like?
I think of a basic idea, a realistic situation that normal everyday humans may find themselves in. I think about ideas and run with it. I’ll think about crazy, complex situations too. I always think about how I think ITZ or their family members would react. I try to keep my characters as true to the real-life people as possible. Surely, I don’t know any of the Hanson gang personally but it’s my idea of what I think heir personal reactions would be. As I write, the process seems to just naturally flow from my imagination to the keys on my laptop. I try not to make the chapters too long winded, but I’ve recently been making them a little longer. When I write, I will close my eyes and imagine all my ideas coming together like a movie. I write the “minds-eye” movie down, and then you have my chapter.
Where do your ideas and inspiration come from?
Not going to lie though, some of my ideas come from dreams that I have. I’ll wake up from a Hanson dream (don’t judge me) and I’ll tell myself “That would be a great Hanson fan fic scene.” Lots of times, I need to be alone and listen to music because it helps me relax and get good scenes or ideas in my minds-eye based off of whatever lyrics I’m listening too. The music I listen too in order to get inspiration isn’t usually Hanson, which may sound odd to some.
Which stories are you most proud of having written?
I am proud of all my writing. It’s my thoughts, ideas, and heart coming out in the forms of words. Words that make a story. As far as Hanson fan fiction goes, Lessons Of Truth is my only Hanson fan fiction for now, but I’ve got so many other ideas for other Hanfic stories that I’m bursting at the seams!
Favorite songs to listen to while you write or which inspire your writing?
Listening to songs while I write versus listening to songs to get inspiration are two different things. Just so nobody gets confused about the statement about the latter. Once in awhile, I’ll play an 80s playlist as I write. Most of the time though, I write in quiet. I need it quiet for me to concentrate. Otherwise, I start singing and stop typing. It’s hard not to use a hairbrush as a microphone when old school Madonna comes on Pandora.
Thank you, A.M. London, for being the February spotlight! I’m so glad you’ve decided to cross writing hanfic off your bucket list.