Reviews and stuff.

Reviews and stuff.

It’s really, really hard to stay motivated about fanfic right now, you guys. I don’t want to get political here again. But. I can’t stay silent. What I can do is say this: your voice and your actions matter. So with that in mind, here are a few fandom-ish suggestions:

Donate to The Organization For Transformative Works. Yes, the people who brought us AO3. They also do some great legal work, including anything related to copyright laws that favor content creators and freedom of expression online.

Donate to The Harry Potter Alliance. They do tons of great work, and I promise I’m not just biased because some of their work benefits libraries.

Keep an eye out for Project For Awesome, which I’m sure will benefit some really good causes this year.

All of that said… time for the hanfic stuff. I have two guest reviews this month, both written by Elizabeth. You can find her reviews of Kindred 4: The Nerd by Aimster and
Unexpected Beautiful by Becky listed under the Anthem era. Check back next month for more.

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