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Tag: newsletter

Spotlights and more!

Spotlights and more!

It’s that time of the month again–spotlights time! But before that, I want to talk about something you may have seen promoted on my twitter and tumblr.

There is now a PTH newsletter! It’s something I’ve debated doing for a few years now, but finally decided to stop being lazy and do. It will come out once a month, on the first Friday of the month (debut issue out on February 5), and will feature updates from PTH, Extemporaneous and all around the web. Hopefully it won’t keep you all from coming here to get the news, but it will be the absolute easiest way to get all the latest hanfic news and updates delivered right to your inbox so you never miss anything.

If that sounds like something you would be interested in, either click here or fill in the little subscription box over there in the right sidebar. You’ll get a confirmation email with a link to click on to verify your subscription, and then you’ll get the first issue on Friday.

After you’ve done that, check out the spotlights!

Check back in a few weeks for the reviews and some other fun updates for this month!

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