Survey results!

Survey results!

Well, here they are! The results of my first site survey. I would have liked a few more responses, but I’m really happy with the ones I’ve gotten. You can view the summary of responses here, and below are my thoughts.

So, the demographics weren’t surprising at all. I was pleased to see how many of you are from outside the US, though, and that quite a few of you are involved in other fandoms. Those questions were just for my own curiosity, but it really is fun to see.

As for how you guys like to use the site, I really liked all of those responses as well. I would encourage more of you to follow the site on Twitter and Tumblr, as well as joining the LiveJournal community. And please, please, please submit articles and reviews! As for the newsletter question, I’m toying with how to use that. Email newsletter won, but I’m not sure if I want to do a traditional newsletter or just allow you guys to subscribe to the blog by email. We’ll see.

The favorites/least favorites responses were really interesting. The reviews, spotlights and story archives tied for your favorite, with — of all things — my reading list coming in right behind them. I’m not totally sure what to make of that, but I am so glad that you guys are enjoying the reviews so much.

Then came the most important question. What section needs improvement? At the top of the list was the directory, which I have attempted to improve since beginning the survey. Was it the layout? Broken links? The fact that I organize by full sites (when possible) rather than individual stories? I don’t know. If there’s anything more I can do to improve it, please let me know! Next up was the story archives, which was also a favorite, so I assume you guys just want me to add more stories. I can do that, and I will be in just a few days. After that was the articles, which I also plan to remodel soon, and hopefully add a few more articles of my own and written by my friends. So I hope that helps. If you have any other comments about how I can improve the sections you think need improving, I’d be glad to hear them.

As for your suggested reviews and such, I’ll take them all into consideration. I’m already giving thought to a lot of the things you guys have said, and I will be taking some of the suggestions. It’s really great to hear what you guys have to say, and if I agree and see how those changes/additions would help the site, then they will make it onto my to do list.

Speaking of my to do list, I have lots stuff on the list for April 1! The may not be as exciting as Hanson’s announcements coming the same day, but I hope you guys will enjoy them anyway. So stay tuned for that.

2 thoughts on “Survey results!

  1. A suggestion for the broken links.
    Don’t know if you have tried the plugin Broken Links Checker for WordPress, but I don’t know if it will work for you since you link many stories using the Wayback Machine.

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