Reviews and other news

Reviews and other news

I don’t want to say much else (I’ve talked a lot on Twitter) about what’s been going on here at PTH, but surely anyone who has visited over the last two weeks has noticed a lot of downtime. It would appear that the site has been hacked, and I’ve done my best to get things back to normal. All I can say now is that I hope they remain that way.

With that out of the way, let’s talk about some actual updates!

To make up for some of my laziness over the past year, I decided to start this year out with a big series to review. My reviews of The Kindred Series by Aimster can be found under the Anthem and MOE eras.

I’ve also made a slight tweak to the MOE era — Elizabeth’s review of Beneath My Skin by Aimster can now be found in that section.

Check back soon for more updates, and please, if you notice anything looking weird on the site, let me know! It took me way too long to discover the problem and I might have been able to fix it sooner if I had been aware sooner. Which really just means I need to get back to checking in on and updating the site more regularly, like I used to, rather than just checking in a few times a month. I guess that’s a good new year’s resolution!

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