Belated happy new year!

Belated happy new year!

This is why I make to do lists, folks. Of course, it doesn’t work if you don’t read them and check every item off them as you go. And so I end up forgetting to post a notice here about my latest updates to the site. So, here are said updates.

First of all, if you haven’t been paying attention, I’m still strongly encouraging anyone with fic housed at LiveJournal to switch to DreamWidth. Assuming it’s working, what with the massive influx of new users now that LJ is 100% Russian, there’s an importer that will copy everything over to your new journal. I posted some very basic instructions here.

Secondly, here are the first spotlights of 2017:

You may have also seen me posting about the “website” I featured this month. It’s a survey I’m conducting about common tropes and things in hanfic. It also has some demographic questions, because I think it’s been a good decade since anyone tried to gather that sort of info about our fandom. It will run through the month, but why wait?

Now that this belated post has been made, check back in a week or so for my first reviews of the new year.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Okay, so I’m a day late. What’s new?

It’s been a strange year, hasn’t it? But not altogether a bad one for hanfic. I have just a few updates to PTH today, and a few more coming very soon.

First, I’ve updated the timeline (link in the sidebar) to add in this year’s events as well as a few more specific dates I’ve uncovered from the past nineteen years. I’ll be updating the trivia page soon, as well, but I wanted to wait until I had collected a bit more data on the fandom.

Which brings me to the next thing. If you follow PTH on Tumblr, you’ll probably have seen my post about a fandom survey. It’s modeled on a tropes/preferences survey that Fansplaining hosted earlier this year. Mine is tailored to hanfic in particular, and includes some demographic questions that I think will be interesting to see the results of. It will be posted on New Years day, so check back then for a link.

Also, if you follow me on Twitter, I’ve been posting today about the changes to LiveJournal’s servers. They are now located in Russia, which is pretty damn troubling. I strongly encourage anyone who likes the journal format for posting their fic to create a DreamWidth account and import your LJ account. It takes just a few clicks to make sure your stuff is more secure, and while DW hasn’t really taken off for hanfic yet, I think this big change to LJ will see it finally catch on.

Lastly, over there in the sidebar is a Kofi button that will allow you to drop a few bucks in my Paypal — ie, “buy me a coffee.” While PTH is in no danger of shutting down and my financial situation is the most secure it’s been in years, a little extra here and there will help offset the fact that my new job is seriously cutting into my hanfic time. So if you’re feeling generous, buy me a coffee 😀

Last review of 2016!

Last review of 2016!

And with that, my review hiatus ends. I’ll start reading some new/old fics again in January and get back into the swing of things. For now, I just have one guest review. Elizabeth has reviewed Kindred 5: The Kids by Aimster. You can find that review listed under the Anthem era.

Tune in again in just a few weeks for some updates to close out the year, and celebrate seven years of PTH!

Reviews and stuff.

Reviews and stuff.

It’s really, really hard to stay motivated about fanfic right now, you guys. I don’t want to get political here again. But. I can’t stay silent. What I can do is say this: your voice and your actions matter. So with that in mind, here are a few fandom-ish suggestions:

Donate to The Organization For Transformative Works. Yes, the people who brought us AO3. They also do some great legal work, including anything related to copyright laws that favor content creators and freedom of expression online.

Donate to The Harry Potter Alliance. They do tons of great work, and I promise I’m not just biased because some of their work benefits libraries.

Keep an eye out for Project For Awesome, which I’m sure will benefit some really good causes this year.

All of that said… time for the hanfic stuff. I have two guest reviews this month, both written by Elizabeth. You can find her reviews of Kindred 4: The Nerd by Aimster and
Unexpected Beautiful by Becky listed under the Anthem era. Check back next month for more.

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