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Tag: awards

Late but worth the wait!

Late but worth the wait!

I’m so sorry for the massive delay here! Although I finally have high speed internet, it’s only mobile broadband so I have to be a bit sparing with my usage. It is at least more functional, if only for small amounts of time. I’m writing this from a coffee shop, however. And I have lots of updates for you, to make up for my absence!

Firstly, I’ve finally updated the directory, adding a few links and deleting a few outdated ones. On that note, you’ll notice that Diamond has, at least temporarily, taken her website down. You can still read her collab with Jesse-may, Before It Breaks.

Secondly, I’ve updated the spotlights for March, a week late. This month, I’m featuring my new awards, Blank Page Awards, my friend Liz’s story Tiny Dancer and an interview with my other friend Alecia. Fun stuff!

Lastly… the awards! It’s been almost a year since I ran the last round of Thieves and Liars, and although I loved those awards, they had definitely run their course. It was time for something new. So, here comes the Blank Page Awards! Nominations start in a few weeks, so go check it out now and get ready to submit yours. I hope we all have a ton of fun with it!

And I think that’s it for now. I am still updating a few of my stories off and on, so check those out if you like, too.

Small update and some news

Small update and some news

I made a teensy update to the directory today, with a mix of about twenty old and new sites. But that’s not the main reason I’m posting this blog. I actually wanted to let you guys know about two upcoming events in the hanfic world.

First, is the new round of The Spark Inside, hosted by Brittney. I had hoped to feature it on the spotlights this year, but it didn’t work out that way. But that’s alright; I can still tell you guys about it. This year participants get to submit a bunch of different prompts that will get shuffled up and assigned to everyone. Sounds challenging, but fun! I’ve already signed up and you should too — you’ve got about two weeks to do so before the writing period starts.

Second, is the new round of Thieves and Liars. Again, this round (the first in a year) brings some changes, but I think they will all ultimately improve the experience for everyone. Some rules have been lifted (friends only stories are now allowed), while others are being enforced more harshly (no multiple votes and the vote form must be filled out completely). Nat has graciously stepped in to help with the vote counting so you can be sure that everything will be accurate and fair. Since things will be a bit different this time around, I’ve already put the site up even though it doesn’t start for a month. Plenty of time to pick out your favorite stories — and for some new stories to appear too!

So there you are. Lots of stuff to do this spring. I think we’re all getting out of our collective winter funk and I couldn’t be more excited for all the good things that will bring.

Snowed in (and I don’t mean the album!) :D

Snowed in (and I don’t mean the album!) :D

I’ve spent the last four days watching the snow pile up here. It’s really gotten me in the Christmas spirit, but it’s also leading to some serious boredom. I haven’t left my house since Friday evening!

The good news for you guys, is that I’ve had tons of time to explore the internet and dig up more sites for the directory. I’ve added I’m-not-sure-how-many-but-a-lot of sites, bringing the total count up to 1738! If I keep this up, it could reach 2000 sites before the year is over. How amazing is that?

I’d also like to note that I’ve added the first Finnish site to the directory, as well as two Québécois sites. So don’t be confused if you see the Canadian flag on two of the sites and not on all the other Canadian ones; I just wasn’t sure how else to denote the language without having people assume that they were from France. Maybe using flags wasn’t such a great idea after all? But they look so cute…

All of this web surfing has me noticing just how few awards we have these days. Awards were handed out like candy back in the day! Now, of course, we are less active now. But I think we could still do with a few more awards. I won’t be running Thieves and Liars again until March/April, so someone else needs to pick up my slack before then! Who wants to do it? Anyone?

Now that I’ve given you guys a little update, I think some hot tea and the other sort of “Snowed In” is in order…

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